Sunday, June 23, 2013

TK-102 GPS Tracker

Xexun TK-102 GPS Tracker

Xexun TK-102 GPS Tracker

Salah satu pelacak yang paling populer adalah Xexun 102 dan 103 pelacak. Ada perangkat imitasi yang dijual jadi hati-hati. Aku belum pernah melihat produk di mana dokumentasi sangat buruk, jumlah versi dokumentasi sangat besar (masing-masing mengatakan sesuatu yang berbeda) dan di mana ada tidak 1 tempat di internet yang memberitahu Anda cara kerjanya. Ada forum dengan banyak informasi: 1 BENANG dengan 2.500 pesan!??
Saya masih akan membeli TK-102 atau TK-103 jika aku butuh satu lagi ;-)

Xexun TK 102 Ini adalah 'saku' tracker. Sangat kecil, dengan baterai, built in antena.

Xexun TK 103 Lebih untuk tetap mount di dalam mobil. Memiliki banyak tambahan seperti mikrofon eksternal, antena eksternal untuk GPS dan Cell, kemampuan untuk menutup switch jarak jauh dll

Cara setup
Jadi, inilah gambaran tentang bagaimana saya dikonfigurasi saya TK-103. Instruksi ini akan kemungkinan besar juga bekerja untuk Xexun TK-102. Layanan gratis pelacakan yang digunakan: Orange GPS Trace. Pertama mendaftarkan diri.
Sekarang Anda harus men-setup perangkat Pelacakan Anda dengan mengirimkan pesan SMS (teks) untuk itu. Pastikan memiliki kartu SIM yang sah yang mendukung DATA.

begin123456 (membersihkan konfigurasi tracker)
> BEGIN ok
password123456XXXXXX (jika Anda ingin mengubah 123456 ke sesuatu yang lain)
adminXXXXXX0611223344 (nomor ponsel Anda - sehingga ia tahu bahwa perintah dikirim oleh telepon Anda adalah valid)
> ADMIN ok
apnXXXXXXbasicinternet (APN dari operator Anda)
> APN ok
adminipXXXXXX193.193.165.166 20157 (IP dan nomor PORT layanan pelacakan GPS-TRACE)
t030s *** nXXXXXX (t030 = setiap 30 detik, s *** n = pesan tak terbatas, ganti *** dengan jumlah pesan yang dapat mengirimkan)
> T030S *** N ok
webXXXXXX (memungkinkan pengiriman lokasi melalui IP)
> NOTN ok!
nobatteryXXXXXX (opsional: untuk menonaktifkan pesan baterai rendah - percayalah, Anda ingin ini!)
> Ada tanggapan
tlimitXXXXXX 200 (hanya melaporkan lokasi saat dipindahkan> 200 meter)
> TLIMIT ok!

Selanjutnya, login ke layanan Oranye GPS Trace dan menambahkan tracker Anda sebagai perangkat. Lihat gambar di bawah:

Untuk menemukan IMEI perangkat dari jarak jauh Anda dapat menggunakan website ini:
Ini mengharuskan Anda untuk mengubah adminip tapi itu mudah untuk mengubahnya kembali ke pengaturan di atas.
Ketika semuanya bekerja Anda dapat melihat lokasi Anda di Google Map menggunakan URL berikut
Simpan perangkat Anda dan mulai bergerak. Anda harus melihat perangkat Anda muncul pada Peta di beberapa titik. Gps-trace juga memiliki sebuah forum. Sekarang Anda dapat mulai menggunakan skrip HomeSeer saya yang menggunakan Orange Gps Jejak layanan untuk menempatkan lokasi Anda HomeSeer.

Friday, June 21, 2013

How To use Mini GPS TK-102

TK-102 is a mini GPS Tracker that constantly report its geographical coordinates via SMS or GPRS network to your nominated device.

This tutorial will cover the following contents:
Quick Setup
Advance settings

*Important notice: Electromagnetic shielding mechanism is one of the major factor that influence GPS signal, things like metal and concrete can easily result in block or weaken signals. Thus this GPS tracker might not function properly indoor, places such as car cargo, large office building,subway station and etc.

TK-102 GPS Tracker is widely used in following instance

1. Mobile Car auto – Tracking (Anti-theft,Logistic tracking and etc.)
2. Person Tracking (Camping,Hiking and etc.)
3. Any other possible purpose you name it

1.Power: Turn on/off the GPS Tracker
2.SOS Button: Send emergency SMS to preset number
3.Indicator LED
4.Power/Data Jack: To charge the GPS Tracker or communicate with computer

A standard SIM Slot to fit your SIM card in


Before using this GPS Tracker you’ll need:

1. A valid SIM Card
Send a test SMS to a mobile phone before you put it into the tracker, make sure you mark down the number, you’ll need it after installation

2. Google Earth (Optional)
Google Earth is a good software that helps you to locate the tracker.
You can find a copy enclose in the disc come with the tracker,we still recommend to get the latest version from Google , click here to download.
However,if you just want to know where the tracker is,you can visit instead.

3. Fully charge the battery
Quick Setup

1. Installation
Put your SIM card into the SIM card tray,install the battery,close the back cover. Place it to your desired target(Again,make sure the GPS signal will not be block by any metal or concrete) and turn it on by holding the on/off button for 3sec.

2. Initialization
Each GPS Tracker need to be initialized before use,especially if you purchase it from oversea .
To Initialize you need to send “begin123456″ as a text message to the tracker (Remeber the number we mark down?),you’ll then received a response message from the GPS Tracker as “begin OK”,this mean you have succesfully initialized the GPS Tracker. (In some cases you might expereience a longer response time to receive the message due to weak signal).

3. Begin to use
If you only want the coordinate of the tracker,just make a call to it,the GPS tracker will automatically hangup and send you a message reporting it’s coordinate.
Note: The tracker must set to its ”Tracking mode” (It’s the default setting) to report it’s geographic coordiante. Send a message command “tracker123456″ will set the mode into “Tracking mode”.
The geographic report will containt its longitude and latitude coordinate as follow:

The first number is the longitude and second number is the latitude.
Let’s see an example, if you have coordinate 40.705563,-74.008884 from the GPS Tracker.
Then you simple put it into or google earth, you’ll find out the tracker is at somewhere near the wall street,new york.

Advanced Settings

The Quick setup will show you the basic function of the GPS tracker,and this will cover most important function.
*Important note: Some user not sure about the “+” simble in the user manual,so let’s clarify this here, for example the command is “begin+123456″ it stand for ”begin123456″ there is no space or “+” in between.

1.Password reset
The password is important,because every command you sent to the tracker need to follow with the password. The default password is “123456″ , and you may want to change it once you ready to use, to change the password send a message include “password+old password new password” to the tracker. For example “password123456 567890″ will change your password from “123456″ into “567890″. Note:password must be 6 digits long.

You can authorize 5 different number on the allow list,so they can command the tracker.
There is two way to authorize,one is calling the tracker for 10 times with the same number,then this number will automatically became one authorized number.
The most convenient way,send a message in the format of “admin+password cell phone number” to the tracker.
Example: Send “admin123456 1234567″ will authorize 1234567 on the allow list.

To remove a number from the allow list then send sms in the format of ”noadmin+password cell phone number”.
Example: Send “noadmin123456 1234567″ will exclude the number 1234567 from the allow list.

If you’re calling the tracker outside your own region(or country) then make sure to place the area code or country in front of the number.
Example: If your tracker is in the United States,and you’re calling the tracker from United Kingdom,then you’ll need to authorize your number as “00441234567″ as the “0044″ is the country code of United Kingdom.

3. Auto Tracking
This GPS have the auto tracking function. The command syntax as follow:
“t+time interval+time unit+repeat time+n+password”
This syntax seems a little bit confusing,so let me give few example for you.
*Note: In time unit,”s” stand for second,”m” stand for minute and “h” stand for Hours.
Send auto report every 30 seconds,and repeat five times,the command is:
In this example,where 030 is the interval of 30 seconds,the 005 means repeat 5 time,123456 is the password. Time interval and repeat time must be in 3 digits length.

If you want to set the auto tracking to report every 1 hours and repeat 24 times. Then send SMS as “t001h024n123456″.

To cancel auto tracking,send “notn+password”.

4.Voice Surveillance
You can set the tracker into monitor mode,when you call the tracker,the tracker will answer your phone and transfer the voice around the tracker back to you.
To set the tracker into voice surveillance mode (monitor mode),send command:
“monitor+password” , make sure to set it back to tracker mode once you want it to report geographic info, to set it back to tracker mode send command “tracker+password”.

Geo-fence will help you to restrict the target within a certain preset area. When the target breach the restrict area,you’ll get a message report.
Note: You need to let the tracker stay still for 10 minutes before you send the command to it.
The command is “stockade+password latitude1,longitude1;latitude2,longitude2″
The following picture will show you how it works,the restricted area is defined by the two coordinate you set.

To cancel the Geo-fence,send command “nostockade+password”.

6. Movement alert
When movement alert is enable,once a movement of the target is detected ( a movement of 200 meter by default),the tracker will send a report to you,and the movement aleart will be disable automatically.
To set a movement alert,send command “move+password” , to deactivate the alert,send command “nomove+password”.

7. Overspeed alert
This is a very useful function to monitor if the target is overspeed.
To set the overspeed alert,send command “speed+password speed”.
Example: If you need to set the speed limit to 80km/s then send command
“speed123456 080″, the speed must be in 3 digits length,and the speed unit is km/s.
Note: This is a one time alert,the alert will be deactivate once a speed breach is detected.

To cancel the alert,send command “nospeed+password”

8. IMEI number
IMEI stand for “International Mobile Equipment Identity”,it’s a unique number given to the GPS tracker,you can acquire this number by sending the command “imei+password”.

9. SOS
You may already notice there is a SOS button at this tracker. Press the SOS for 3 seconds,it’ll send a SOS message with coordinate to all authorized number every 3 mintues,until a SMS “help me!” is replied to the tracker.

10. Low battery alert
This is an automatically function,the GPS tracker will constantly send you a low battery alert every 30 minutes once the voltage dropped to 3.4v.

11. Changing the system time zone
Command “time zone+password time zone”
Note: time zone is define by UTC time. Click here to find your time zone UTC.
Smaple: Send command “time zone123456 -5″ to change the system into New york time.

12. GPRS settings (Online Tracking)
Tracking using GPRS required advance programming , so it’s not covered here.

Where to buy?

Call Eko : 0857-10272100

GPS Tracker 102 Official Command

this are the official commands a receive from xexun after a contact.

please note that this command are only for xexun device not clones

Function Command Format Reply

Initialization begin+password begin ok

Change password password+OldPassword+space+NewPassword password ok

Setup authorized phone number admin+password+space+PhoneNumber admin ok

Delete authorized phone number noadmin+password+space+PhoneNumber to be deleted noadmin ok

Get the GPS location (Real-time polling) Dial up the Tracker one time GPS coordinate and info

Auto track

Auto track - 5 times with 30 seconds interval t030s005n+password

Auto track - 26 times with 5 minutes interval t005m026n+password

Auto track - 10 times with 1 hours interval t001h010n+password

Auto track - heaps of times with 30 seconds interval t030s***n+password

Cancel Auto Track notn+password notn ok

Switch to Voice Monitor mode monitor+password monitor ok

Switch to Tracker mode tracker+password tracker ok

Geo Fencing stockade+password+space+longitudeE/W,latitudeN/S; longitudeE/W,latitudeN/S stockade ok

Cancel Geo Fencing nostockade+password nostockage ok

Movement alert move+password move ok

Cancel Movement alert nomove+password nomove ok

Overspeed alert speed+password+space+080 speed ok

Cancel Overspeed alert nospeed+password nospeed ok

IMEI checking imei+password

SMS Center adminsms+password+space+cell phone number

Cancel SMS Center noadminsms+password

Low battery alert low battery+Geo-info

SOS button Press the SOS for 3 seconds help me !+ Geo-info

Time zone setting time+space+zone+password+space+TimeZone

home page setting home+password+space+the website you want to set

Switch to the link format smslink+password

switch back to the text format smstext+password

GPRS Function

Setup APN apn+password+space+the customer’s APN CONTENT

Setup APN username apnuser+123456+space+The APN'S USER NAME

Setup APN password apnpasswd+123456 +space+THE APN'S PASSWORD

Setup IP address & Port adminip+password+space+ip address+space+port

Cancel IP address & Port noadminip+password

Set GPRS MODE-UDP gprsmode+password+1

Set GPRS MODE-TCP(default) gprsmode+password+0

GPS Tracker Personal

Gps yang selain di pakai untuk mengecek posisi yang bawa juga bisa di pakai untuk mendengarkan pembicaraan sekitar gps.
Cocok untuk memantau anak2, atau pasangan yang dicurigai, binatang peliharaan (kucing,anjing,dll)
Tidak memerlukan server khusus, karena bisa melihat lokasi via sms dari smartphone.

Spek dan fitur detail :

1) Mengirim laporan secara otomatis
2) Menyimpan Posisi
3) Register/Unregister no telp yang akan di pakai untuk melacak alat
4) Merubah fungsi alat type lacak posisi jadi sadap suara
5) Support tanpa server gps
6) Speed alert: bisa mengirim alarm jika overspeed (kalau di pasang di mobil)
7) Movement alert: bisa mengirim alarm/pemberitahuan jika alat berpindah
8) Power alert: Jika alat di matikan secara normal (matikan dari sakeral) alat akan mengirim alarm

Dimensions: 64mm x 46mm x 17mm
Band: 850/ 900/ 1800/ 1900Mhz or 900/ 1800/ 1900Mhz only support gsm.
Network: GSM/ GPRS;
GPS Chip: SIRF3 Chip;
GPS Sensitivity: -159dBm;
GPS accuracy: 5m;
Weight: 50g;
Time to First Fix: Cold status 45s Warm status 35s Hot status 1s;
Car Charge: 12-24V input 5V output;
Wall Charger: 110-220V input 5V output;
Battery: Chargeable Changeable 3.7V 800mAh Li-ion battery;
Standby Time: 96 hours;

Bagaimana menggunakan alat ini:

Sederhana, cukup masukkan GSM sim card ke dalam unit gps. ketika anda menelpon ke gps maka gps akan merepon dengan mengirim koordinat lokasi melalui pesan SMS. Anda bs menggunakan google map untuk membaca koordinat tersebut dalam bentuk peta yang akan menunjukkan dimana tepatnya gps berada.

harga 799rb

berminat hub : 0857-10272100